I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus, devoted to knowing Him and being like Him, although often falling miserably short.

I am the wife to my tall-drink-of-fine Brent Hammett who truly is tall, fine, all tatted up and a drummer….do I need to go on?  Swoon.

I am a mama to Liv Nima, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa and Esther Fei, from Guangzhou, China.

I am the Founder of The Hub: urban ministries headquartered in Shreveport, LA. The Hub was founded in 2007 and has two main ministries: The Lovewell Center and Purchased: Not for Sale. As Founder, I sit on the Governor’s Commission for Human Trafficking Prevention and the Human Trafficking Federal Task Force in Louisiana. I also work as a consultant for other cities who are launching models of The Hub: Las Vegas NV, Ft Worth TX, Ruston LA, Lafayette LA and a few more coming!

I love to talk.  Like seriously love to talk.  Speaking, teaching and training are some of my favorite things to do on the planet.  I have the honor of teaching the word of God and pray to be able to do so all the days of my life.

And lastly, but not the least of these, I am a writer.  I write about all things from social justice to parenting to marriage, all things covered in the truth of Jesus.

Let me free you up though: I’m a hot mess, most of the time.  I am a hippie deep down…like the old smelly kind not the new and improved hipster kind.  I never know where my keys are, my phone, my ID and even twice in my life my actual car. (that’s a long story).  I am tragically bad at math.  I am not great at keeping secrets…like the fun kind not the serious ones.  If you’re planning something that’s a surprise let it be a surprise to me as well.

All that to say, I do not have it together…never really have.

I simply have a heart to free up the body of Jesus to be who they were made to be, to tilt their head back and let out a big belly laugh every once in a while, to look up and notice how good our God really is and to do my part to equip those I encounter to become armed and dangerous for the Kingdom of God.


The Hub is a non-profit, headquartered in Shreveport LA, on a mission to give everyone in our city access to a restored life.



Speaking and teaching is by far one of my favorite things to do!  I would love to come and be a part of your next event!